The Chichester Social

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The one about Chicken Licken

I'm a chronic over worker; I wear my "so busy" badge with misplaced pride.

I fill my days, weeks and months with my clients (The Chichester Social) charity director responsibilities (Chichester Cinema) and freelancer network (Last Friday Club - Chichester).

Always so bloody, bloody busy 👀 I needed a break. So I took one. And I really did! I informed everyone who needed to know in advance, my out of office message reiterated that I was doing nowt for a week and (critically) I switched off notifications! I know, what a goddamn hero.

Since starting my business in 2016, I've rarely taken a proper, zero work, break — I've always popped in to check X, Y, Z like an idiot 🤦‍♀️

It reminded me (kinda) of the Chicken Licken story — one of hysteria and paranoia. August has often felt like a mass shutdown, but perhaps I had taken my foot off the pedal a tad too, a self-fulfilling prophecy, clearly.

I'd been pecking away at my to-do list like there's no tomorrow, when all I needed was a staycation in the coop. I didn't go anywhere or do much (except drink all of the gin on my birthday last Friday, hic!) 🥳

So here I am, back in the fold — and the sky didn't fall in.

→ I think I've gained some PERSPECTIVE - escaped the comparisonitis, it's not a cliche to remind yourself that we all have our own path to follow
→ A chance to think freely and more CREATIVELY - something I thrive on, it's my flow for sure (thank you Emily Perry)
→I lazed about, watched a lot of content, and didn't give myself shit about focusing on DOWNTIME
→ I know it's going to be a PRODUCTIVE month - new client projects and campaigns launching; a new phase for the cinema; growing the Last Friday Club network
→ Taking this break will be better for my COMMUNITY too - a win:win all round

So next time you feel like Chicken Licken, scrambling around thinking the sky is falling, remember it might just be an acorn. Maybe what you really need is to nest up with a good (or trashy) boxset or take a walk around the farmyard. 🐔


My drive and motivation comes from being creative, big-picture thinking, communicating with and inspiring founders and their teams to embrace social media — and all that it can do for their business.

I am a LinkedIn specialist: providing coaching, writing and creating for Founders and Company Pages and Training teams to be better ambassadors on social media | Chichester networker | Charity Director

Fancy working with me? Fill in my discovery form to get started.