The one about Chicken Licken
Debbie Ford Debbie Ford

The one about Chicken Licken

I'm a chronic over worker; I wear my "so busy" badge with misplaced pride.I fill my days, weeks and months with my clients (The Chichester Social) charity director responsibilities (Chichester Cinema at New Park) and freelancer network (Last Friday Club - Chichester).

Always so bloody, bloody busy 👀 I needed a break. So I took one. And I really did! I informed everyone who needed to know in advance, my out of office message reiterated that I was doing nowt for a week and (critically) I switched off notifications! I know, what a goddamn hero.

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Comments ARE content
Debbie Ford Debbie Ford

Comments ARE content

Meaningful Comments Matter

Creating content that *genuinely* encourages deeper interactions on your posts is where it's at, according to the latest updates to the ever-evolving LinkedIn algorithm.LinkedIn used to give a little boost to posts that were attracting a lot of comments, but no more.

The algo can tell the difference between random and new versus pithy, meaningless comments coming from regular groups (pods) of users.

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0% plastic, 100% fantastic
Debbie Ford Debbie Ford

0% plastic, 100% fantastic

Lessons in Building a Personal Brand on LinkedIn … from Barbie n Ken.

🔔 Ding-dong ... lessons in building a personal brand from Barbie n Ken? No, I'm not bloody kidding ... but do expect a little plastic fantastic stretch.

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Yes, I use AI tools

Yes, I use AI tools

AI is my ideas guy and my master summariser.

💡For ideas — it helps me when I feel like I'm running around in circles and getting nowhere — it shows me an alternative path to take.

📄 For summarising — this is where he saves me a heap of time. I work with organisations where government white papers are their jam; but ain't nobody got time to read all of that and if it's a particularly specialist area like the housing crisis or the levelling up agenda, it sends me cross-eyed.

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How did I get here?
Debbie Ford Debbie Ford

How did I get here?

HELLO, I'M DEBBIE FORD ... who am I, how can I help you and why do I exist?

I started my own business, The Chichester Social, when I was 45 ... I know, I barely look a day over 👀

I love where I live (the city, the beaches, the walks) and I couldn't do what I do without the fab people around me, both personally and professionally.

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