30 social media post ideas for business


If you are anything like me, your brain is absolutely buzzing with ideas or you feel like the tumbleweed is passing you by and you draw a blank. It can be very, very tempting to say to yourself “I’ll do it tomorrow”.  What do we know about tomorrow though?? Yes, it never comes and then nothing gets posted. Gaaaah!

But when you do put it off, you’re missing out on the perfect opportunity to connect with your customers and audience TODAY!

These 30 content ideas below are designed to get your creative juices flowing and inspire you to get posting! I’ve also chucked in ten of my favourite conversation starters.

Give some of them a go, tag The Chichester Social — and of course  I’d love to know how you get on and what kind of a reaction you get.

(BTW – I promise there’s not a single ‘link to your blog’ suggestion in this list!)

  1. Tell people about your plans for the day

  2. Post about a challenge you’ve recently faced and how you overcame it

  3. Let people know how they can work with you – how to get started and what the process looks like

  4. Share what you do differently from everyone else in your industry – your USP, how you stand out

  5. Share three ways you can help customers with a solution to the problems that keep them up at night

  6. Just for fun, describe what you do as if you were telling a five year old

  7. Share a question you’ve recently been asked by a customer (I bet they won’t be the only one thinking it)

  8. Share what you love most about your job and why

  9. Talk about how you feel about an industry myth or a new trend

  10. Share something people would be surprised to learn about you – who doesn’t love a “did you know …”

  11. Tell people about the best investment you’ve made for your business

  12. Share a photo of an old piece of equipment you’ve used for years

  13. Talk about what inspired you to start your business

  14. Share your favourite source of industry info (book, blog or podcast)

  15. Share a common pain point your customers have and how you can fix it

  16. Post about a surprising thing you’ve just learned

  17. Share a great tip or hack to make your customer’s life easier

  18. Show a day in the life of your business – this is a great one for Stories (don’t overthink it)

  19. Post three fun facts about you

  20. Reveal a comedy moment when things didn’t go to plan

  21. Post a picture of your workspace/shop

  22. Share photo of your ‘happy place.’

  23. Give a shout out to the people who keep you happy and sane

  24. Ask your followers what they want to know more about

  25. Reveal how a particular product or service has helped a new customer

  26. Predict a new trend in your industry

  27. Share the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given and how it helped you

  28. Reveal the three tools you can’t run your business without

  29. Post a simple hack you wish everyone knew about (from your niche / industry)

  30. Share a quick tip that people can try out straight away

BONUS: 10 conversation starters

  1. Have you ever tried/used (thing in your niche)? What did you think of it?

  2. Which of these do you like best? (Show two options)

  3. What’s the best thing about (thing in your niche)?

  4. When was the last time you laughed until you cried?

  5. (Insert thing in your niche): love it or hate it?

  6. What’s your favourite book / podcast / TV show about (your niche)?

  7. How many tabs have you got open on your computer right now? (PS I’m still counting mine – I have great Chrome tip BTW)

  8. If you could snap your fingers and be anywhere else right now, where would you be?

  9. Fill in the blank. I’m proud of myself because I have finally ___________

  10. Fill in the blank. No one knows this, but I’m really good at ___________


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